Friday, March 26, 2010

Motherly Instinct?

I am still completely amazed when one of my children turns to me for comfort.  Not that I don't think children should turn to their mother when they need comforting, it's just that fact that they honestly think I would be the best person to turn to in these situations and I haven't the slightest idea why.  Other than being their mother by default, I have no training in comfort situations and I have no idea how to do it.  And honestly, half the time it breaks my heart when they are upset, and a little less than half it's kind of funny. No heartbreak or falling down is not funny, what is funny is that they honestly think that have the tools to make it all better.

Take this as an example of my maternal instinct:  While taking a walk (Lily in stroller and Paris next to me) a gigantic bee swoops down in front of me.  Since neither one of my children have been stung, I don't know if they are allergic and I'm paranoid about it.  Rationally though, I realize that a little bee sting is not the end of the world.  But, as we all know, I am not rational.

So, my maternal instinct kicks in at the moment the menacing bee approaches.  What do I do?  Well, I first push the stroller as hard as I can in front of me and let go, to put some space between Lily and the bee while I simultaneously tackle Paris to the ground.  Yes. This is a true story. And yes the 15 month old was gliding along smoothly while stood up, left Paris on the ground stunned, and went running after it.

And this is exactly why I think it's absolutely hilarious that these two kids actually find me comforting.  The only thing I have to say in my defense is that at least my over-reaction had yhe proper intentions and I didn't pull a George Castanza and push them out of the way so I could get away faster.

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