Gotta Love Stumpleupon for showing me that my shoe addiction has reached it's pinnacle.
So, for those of you who know me personally, you know that I am deathly afraid of spiders. I mean I have run screaming from a room leaving my 9 year old for dead when I have spotted what I think is a menacing spider. Am I proud of this? No. Am I embarassed by this? Absolutely not.
That being said; for those of you who know me, I have also been known to wear some pretty outrageous outfits, (a white prom dress with white cowboy boots comes to mind), but I would NEVER I mean NEVER wear a tarantula on anything I own, much less IN anything I own. Even if it was plastic. But in this case, that's a real spider and I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that these bad boys were in my house.
I think the only person that could wear this and get some benefit from it would have to be a stripper, because that's a whole new level of crazy/sexy even I can't compete with.
On a different note though, I bet the height makes your legs look really long and sexy. But I would rather wear that prom dress and cowboy boots to work than wear these shoes for one minute.
The aquarium shoes on the other hand, I would wear.
Except for the fact that the entire time I would be worried about the fish being sloshed around and I most definitely would be attacked by members of PETA (this is LA afterall) and I can't take all that drama. So I'll leave the fish shoes to some drag queen who is obviously more glamourous and definitely braver than I am.
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