Monday, November 8, 2010

Are You A Boutique or Store Stalker?

(image from

I am what I would call a Boutique Stalker. Since having a disposable income has become a pipe dream, there is no way I can go out and buy new clothes right now. This is a reality that I have accepted and adjusted to accordingly. And while I may not have hoards of money to spend on clothing, I have done a great job of finding small ways to update -$20 skinny jeans at a sample sale, a $3 AMAZING scarf at a vintage show, $8 designer bathing suit at a sample sale -and even though I am perfectly happy searching high and low for the right item at the right price, it does requires a lot of research. Well, I call it research, boutique owners may actually call it stalking.

Let me clarify: when I say stalking I am not waiting outside of boutiques for the owners to come out and shaking them down to have a sale; what I mean is, I frequent certain stores to see the new merchandise and to see if the items I had my eye on have gone on sale. By frequent I mean, go in often just to look.  I know the employees by name now, and I am sure after I leave they are probably exasperated.  Hey, times have changed and a girl still has to find a way to look good.

For example-my favorite store, Purple Poppy has some of the best and most unique pieces I have seen. I have had my eye on a certain shirt there for a while now but at $75 that's a little too far out of my justification. However, I knew that if I held out long enough, it would come down. And sure enough, on one of my stalking missions I saw it for 50% off.

The thrill of finding an amazing deal has replaced the high of shopping and paying full price. I feel like if it's still there and it's in my size and the season hasn't changed, I've earned it.

I could now give tours of Los Angeles based on which boutiques have what items at what prices. If I were at all organized, I could probably create a spreadsheet, but even I'm not that neurotic.

But trust me, if you're ever in L.A. and need to know where to find the best stuff at the best possible price, just call me. 

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