Monday, March 8, 2010

Stuff That Paris Does

Because we work we have to find adequate childcare after school for the 9 year old that doesn't mean sitting in front of the TV for 3 hours until we get home.  We told Paris that she would have to pick a sport.  Paris, of course, picked hip hop dance. Ok, not the basketball I had hoped for, but this kid has her own thing going on, so we went with it. 
Now, it is important to know a couple of facts before I continue...Paris is a tow head with big blue eyes, she is tall, (think about 5ft at the age of 9) skinny and unbelievably uncoordinated.  (on the way to hip hop class she fell walking up the stairs) So the fact that she even picked something that requires coordination and rhythm is beyond me, but hey, she is her own person.
Cut to 30 minutes into her first hip hop dance lesson: Paris is successfully swirling 4 hula hoops around her hips and keeping them up. My jaw dropped. (I mean really?) Cut to 45 minutes into the first lesson: the kids are in a battle, or what I would call a dance off, and my lanky, tall, blonde, and somewhat awkward daughter gets right into the middle of dancefloor and starts breakdancing.  God bless her.
I relearned what I have always known that day; always support your kids dreams and do what you love.

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