Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dressing Weird Doesn't Mean You're Fashionable

Fashion really needs to just get over itself.  Seriously.

  I think it's great if you understand the trends and how to wear them, however, wearing them all at once or perhaps participating in ones that your body is defying with every ounce of it's being, is just not cool.

I'm going to take one for the team here and describe it like this: there was a period in my life when I was- how should I put this- let's just say, not in the best shape.  And perhaps my self esteem suffered because of this, (or perhaps I was not in the best shape because of my low self esteem, but this is a chicken or the egg debate that could go on forever) anyway, I started wearing tighter clothes to show off my curves.  Back then, I couldn't bear the thought of not wearing a slim fitting body suit and denim shorts, (because that's what the hottest trend was) however, I had NO business wearing it.  It hugged me in all the wrong places, the slim belt highlighted the belly that I had grown from eating a small pizza by myself every night to soak up the pitcher of beer that I had drank, or the pot that I had smoked, but most likely both.  I was a hot mess before the term hot mess was invented.

Now I've (thankfully) learned to dress right for my body type and lifestyle.  I wear structured fabrics that nip in at the waist, a colorful scarf on a plain T-Shirt day, leggings that have some sort of slimming power because the last thing I want to do is add another ounce of anything to my legs.  See what I'm getting at here?  It's called Practical Fashion.  And from now on, that is exactly what we'll be talking about on this blog, because if I see one more picture of a girl in a floral top with a contrasting print skirt that is too small for her with those fake plastic eye glass frames and shoes that look disgusting while they pass it off as "vintage", I'm going to scream.  Vintage is beautifully kept high quality fabrics and textiles ladies, old shoes are second hand recycling. And recycling is a great thing, however if it comes with bedbugs, leave it alone.

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